Here Marc and Ajmal talk all about Cars. We love a classic, and we really love a Porsche. But MOST IMPORTANTLY we talk to the people that are passionate about your favourite brands Oh yeah, and some general nattering about our own car ownership stories. Your Hosts: Marc, across social media as Marc and Cars. www.youtube.com/marcandcars Ajmal, across social media as Flatcapdriver. www.youtube.com/c/flatcapdriver Thanks for taking the time to listen, and we love to hear any ideas, suggestions, corrections and input. Leave a comment, message me, or just email. I can be found on most Social media as marcandcars and flatcapdriver Enjoy the Podcast.

Monday Mar 28, 2022
Porsche Talk Podcast - A Sad Time for All Porsche Podcast Listeners...
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
In Episode 31, Marc & Ajmal discuss the decision of Michael Bathe to stop the Porsche Cooled Podcast, and how sad we are that it is. Ajmal FINALLY gets a Porsche Macan GTS from Porsche GB to review. They try and come up with a tactic to get Ajmal's famous F1 team principal neighbour onto the podcast. The merit of Marc getting a track only car, along with Ajmal's Boxturd cleaning are also discussed. Can Marc convince Ajmal to follow Nico Rosberg's YouTube channel? Is Marc's 356 an actual practical daily? He tries to find out.
Both guys can be found on YouTube and Instagram.
Ajmal is @flatcapdriver
Marc is @marcandcars

Monday Mar 14, 2022
Porsche Talk- Brock @996roadtrip Part2
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Brock has been to Amelia Island, and shares the amazing experience of being in the gang of Porsche personalities, of North America. Marc has decided to use his little Toyota GR Yaris to cull Australia's Kangaroo population to little affect, and massive damage to the car. Ajmal is very well teased with product placement, by Brock, and now has all he needs to fix his garden, I mean Boxster. Well except maybe motivation...
Hope you enjoy this episode.
Marc is @marcandcars on Instagram
Ajmal is @flatcapdriver on Instagram
Brock is @996roadtrip on Instagram
Follow them all on their adventures.
Drive safe. Have fun.

Monday Mar 07, 2022
Porsche Talk with Just your Hosts
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Marc & Ajmal shoot the breeze about Porsche Life, some of the cars they've owned, well mainly the bad ones, and they weren't Porsches! All round a fun chat.

Monday Feb 28, 2022
Porsche Talk- Brock @996roadtrip Part 1
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
In the 28th Episode, Marc and Ajmal talk to Brock from 996 Road Trip fame. He has amassed an amazing Social media presence through mounting a tent on the roof of his 996 C4S, and taking is on adventures where people don't normally take their 911. This is the first of a two part interview, as the conversation flowed very easily, and was a lot of fun, so why not?
All topics about Porsche ownership, and lifestyle are covered, with plenty more to come.
Reach out to Mac and Ajmal, if you have a great idea for the show.
Marc is on Instagram as marcandcars
Ajmal is on Instagram as flatcapdriver
Drive Safe and Have Fun.

Monday Feb 21, 2022
Porsche Talk - 911 Prices around the World and a giveaway
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Ajmal and Marc talk about the discrepancies in both New and Used 911 prices in different regions around the world, preferred car colours, again, and Ajmal's ongoing aspirational Football career, and the injuries this is causing, both physically and mentally...
There is a giveaway. Thanks to Timex Watches USA. If you leave a review on iTunes, AND DM either of them on Instagram, with the reason why you would like this fine timepiece, they will decide who needs/wants it the most.
There is a lot of life talk before Porsche talk this week, so be patient, it will be worth it. OR if you're not patient enough, the Porsche content kicks in at about 43 minutes.
On Instagram:
Ajmal is flatcapdriver
Marc is marcandcars

Monday Feb 14, 2022
Porsche Talk Podcast Bart Kuykens
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Episode 26 has Marc and Ajmal talking with Bart Kuykens. He is probably best known for his series of photographic Books, Flat Six Love Affair. They discuss Bart's processes, and his reasons for doing things his way, when it comes to creating the stunning portraits of owners and their Porsches. Bart is not actually a car guy, but he does own a couple of pretty cool Porsches, which are also discussed. This conversation could have gone for hours, which is always the case, when the guest is as interesting, and engaging as Bart.
As always, if you have any comments or input, please reach out to Marc or Ajmal directly.
Marc is marcandcars on Instagram
Ajmal is flatcapdriver on Instagram
Please subscribe or follow Porsche Talk on your preferred podcast platform. All reviews help them make a better show, as it gets it in front of more people.
Drive safe. Have fun.

Monday Feb 07, 2022
Porsche Talk Ajmal & Marc Catch up
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
In episode 25, Marc and Ajmal catch up on their Porsche (and other) lives. From gardening in a Boxster, Pleading to get Magnus Walker on the show, Quality of US made Fish and Chips, to great colours in Porsches.
If you want to watch these two do this on video, here is the link:
Please reach out if you have anything to add, and do think about leaving them an iTunes review, if you have a minute. It really helps the channel.
Marc is marcandcars and Ajmal is flatcapdriver on Instagram if you want to DM either of them.
Drive safe.

Monday Jan 31, 2022
Porsche Talk Podcast - James Auto Amateur
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Marc and Ajmal are joined by James from Auto Amateur. As a notorious Porsche modifier, who shares his experiences and adventures, he spends some time talking Porsche Life in Minneapolis, USA. Like all Porsche Talk Podcasts, the topics range all over the place, from house renovations, historic Porsche brochures, small windows of good weather for driving due to the poor weather in the Northern hemisphere, to the extreme heat in the Southern hemisphere. They also try to talk James into buying a Mustang, wait, what?
All the normal tangents of conversation are chased down with these guys, and you're to enjoy this week's antics.
James can be found everywhere as autoamateur
Marc also everywhere as marcandcars
Ajmal on Instagram as flatcapdriver
All input and feedback appreciated, and if you have a minute, leave them a review on iTunes.
Drive fun, stay safe.

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Porsche Talk Podcast - That Porsche Girl
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
That Porsche Girl, also known as Lara, has a great chat with Ajmal and Marc about all things Porsche Life. From Leaving home, discovering Porsche, precision driving in Hollywood, Instagram jail, narrow European roads, getting treated sub par in a car world full of men, to even religion!
Buckle in for a chat with one of your favourite Porsche personalities, and social media influencers.
All feedback welcome to both Marc and Ajmal.
Ajmal can be found on Instagram as flatcapdriver
Marc can be found across most socials as marcandcars
Thanks for listening.

Monday Jan 17, 2022
Porsche Talk Podcast - 9Werks Lee Sibley, 996 Problems, Barn Finds
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Come along for the tangent driven chaos that is Porsche Talk Podcast. There was a topic plan for this episode, now where is it.....
In Episode 22, Marc and Ajmal have introduced some alarming credibility to the show, with a great chat with Lee Sibley. His history as the editor of one of our favourite magazines, Total 911, and host of Road to Redline, now 9Werks Radio Podcast, have him as a very familiar voice to all Porsche fans around the world.
They discuss all manner of Porsche and cars, from potential Barn Finds, and the romance attached to them, versus their reality. The utility sports car, I mean 911. Through to does driving a 911 every day take away its "Specialness"? Yes that is a word. The mandatory EV topic comes up, with some original thoughts here, for a change.
Lock us in for this alarmingly long podcast, and let us know what you think. You can reach out across most socials and email, if you have thoughts and suggestions.
Ajmal is on instagram as @flatcapdriver
Marc is on instagram as @marcandcars Also on email marc@marcandcars.com.au
Follow them on iTunes and/or Spotify, and please think about giving their channel a review.
Thanks for your time, and have a fun and safe drive.